My Life Online

Teaching Students to be Safe, Smart & Kind Online

  4.97 • 302 bookings

  • Topics:
  • Character Education
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Social-Emotional
  • Audiences:
  • Grade K-5 Students
  • Grade 6-12 Students
  • Teachers & Staff
  • Parents

Fee: Under $5K

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Engaging Presentation for Students
Teaches Digital Citizenship & Online Safety
Practical Resources for Parents & Staff

Students today are the first generation to grow up with text messaging in their pocket, and social media at their fingertips.

“8 to 18-year-olds spend an average of  7.5 hours in front of a screen each day.”
—The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

“Some 13-year-olds admit to checking social media 100 times per day.”

We believe students need a guide to greet them at the front door of the internet and empower them with a clear set of values, principles, and social skills to guide their lives online. Our digital citizenship curriculum and live presentations provide mentorship and guidance for students to thrive in today’s digital world.


“My Life Online focuses on the positive impact of social media. If you’re looking for a program that will make an impact and give you the opportunity to create a positive culture in your school, My Life Online gives you the starting point to do that.”
Grant Clatworthy, Principal
“Anyone that has any interaction with the internet needs to see this presentation. It gives students a perspective that will completely change how they interact with each other online.”
Kate Fish, Vice Principal

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Book My Life Online To Speak

   Monday-Friday • 8AM-5PM CT        (800) 799-1460

No Obligation Inquiry

  1. Customized Presentation Focused on Your Goals
  2. All-Inclusive Speaker Fee — No Travel Expenses
  3. The Best Speaker You’ve Ever Booked, or Your Money Back