Dr. Joe Martin: “The Educator Motivator” knows first hand that the calling to be an educator carries with it the responsibility to help students learn, lead, and achieve.
Dr. Joe’s message is always powerful, provocative, and practical. His unique insight into what makes great teachers & students inspires his audiences to become just that. Dr. Joe has spoken for more than 600 organizations, colleges & universities, and K-12 school districts. Some of his clients include NASSP, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Navy, and the National Education Association (NEA). He also serves as a guest columnist for three national magazine publications.
He is consistently the highest-rated keynote speaker for educator conferences and in-service training. Audiences love him because his content is indisputably wise and his style of speaking is in your face, but on your side.
Problem: Teachers are tempted to focus so much on the politics of teaching, they forget the purpose of teaching.
Objective: To give educators a real and renewed sense of purpose of why we do what we do, who we do it for, and proven strategies on how to do it better
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Duration: 30 minutes to 2 hours
Wouldn’t it be nice if YOU could:
…make every Monday feel like a Friday?
…give yourself praise anytime you wanted one?
…re-discover the passion and purpose in your position?
…ignore other people’s negative attitudes, opinions, and criticisms?
The secret to success does have a formula: the more you give, the more you get.
Even in today’s fast-paced world, it’s a fact that if you help enough people (students and colleagues) get what they want, you’ll have a better chance of getting what you want. But how do you do it? Dr. Joe shows you three, proven service strategies to help you become your own miracle worker (regardless of your school or your district).
- Challenge yourself to serve your students better
- Unlock the secret of staying self-motivated even during the rough times
- Lead others by example, instead of excuses
- Accept responsibility for your own personal and professional growth
- Overcome obstacles by identifying your professional “blind spots.”
This is more than just an inspiring program, Teach & Grow Rich is a proven, research-based plan for success.
Problem: A teacher’s toughest challenge is learning how to motivate students who don’t seem interested in learning.
Objective: To prepare teachers for success on the “first day of class” by showing them how to connect, motivate, and educate ALL of their students
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Duration: 1 to 2 hrs.
How many times have you heard the phrase, “I give up, he just won’t learn!”
So, what came first, education or motivation? Studies show that you can’t teach a child anything unless you can first get the child to listen.
That’s where motivation comes into play.
The #1 question on most teachers’ minds is, “How do I motivate my students?” The answer is NOT as difficult as you may think.
There’s only one type of motivation, and that’s “self-motivation.” You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can lead a horse to water…” Yes, and the same holds true for students; “You can lead a student to school, but you can’t make him think.”
The key to motivating your students is to first find out what motivates them, and then use that against them (in a positive way).
- Get students excited about learning and coming to class.
- Unlock the #1 key to motivating any student, regardless of his or her aptitude.
- Get students to accept responsibility for their own success.
- Get students to take action without “lecturing” them.
If you think you’ve tried everything…think again. There’s still hope to “motivate to educate.”
Problem: Teachers are burning out quickly because they’re overwhelmed by the requirements and expectations to effectively do their jobs.
Objective: To teach teachers how to gain control of their classroom and their life while reducing personal stress due to the demands of teaching.
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Duration: 30 mins. to 2 hrs.
Are you tired…
… tired of feeling frustrated?
… tired of your certain people pushing your buttons?
… tired of politics and parents’ unrealistic expectations?
… tired of being micro-managed?
… tired of people getting on your nerves?
Well, you need to GET A GRIP!
This powerful program will help you re-gain your sanity when you feel like going “postal.”
Let’s face it, teaching’s tough, but YOU CAN be tougher.
- Take control of your mental and emotional attitude
- Control the two greatest motivating forces in your life
- Not let other people (even parents) get the best of you
- Accept responsibility for your own actions and attitude
- Get off the emotional roller coaster of anger, hopelessness, and frustration
So don’t get mad, don’t get even…Get a Grip! Because it’s better to get better than to get bitter!
Problem: Teachers are struggling to flourish in a negative, and sometimes hostile, work environment “certain people” with BAD attitudes.
Objective: To get educators to collaborate and cooperate with each other by developing trust, teamwork, and compassion for one another as they do their jobs
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Duration: 90 mins. to 2 hrs.
Are some of your team member’s egos the size of Mount Rushmore?
Are on-the-job personality conflicts starting to bring back childhood memories? Are some people spreading gossip like they’re getting paid for it? Are past pains and problems keeping your school from focusing on the future? Is apathy spreading like a contagious disease?
“Can’t We Just All Get Along?” will help your school erase these excuses from its daily vocabulary.
Dr. Martinwill help to heal some of the past hurts of your school’s team and its members. Through strategically designed, interactive exercises, “Can’t We Just All Get Along” will help your staff to “understand each other” better and focus on the big picture and purpose of their jobs.
- Become more empathetic to the needs of others
- Step out of their individual comfort zones and become active participants
- Become more united and committed to each other and the school’s goals
- Focus on responsibility and accountability to each other
- Learn proven methods you can put into practice immediately
So don’t take a chance by only hoping your school’s staff will “just learn to get along.”
Problem: Teachers sometimes become complacent after the first few years of teaching and are at risk of getting into a “comfortable” teaching rut that stunts their professional growth.
Objective: To help teachers re-evaluate their personal commitment to teaching by observing the habits of “highly ineffective” teachers
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Duration: 30 mins. to 2 hrs.
• Are you constantly falling short of your professional potential?
• Are you doing just enough to get by?
• Has “good” become “good enough”?
• Are you a habitual “people pleaser”?
• Do you often feel “out of it” and lethargic on the job?
Dr. Joe Martin has discovered what he calls “the greatest secret” of the motivationally supercharged…they’re U.G.L.Y.
• Deal effectively with rejection and disappointment
• Become more persistent in the face of adversity
• Deeper your level of commitment to your professional goals and objectives
• Become more productive by tapping into more of your “hidden” potential
• Live with more courage and boldness
You can choose to be committed to taking your success to the next level!