David Flood

Empowering Student Engagement Through Empathy & Compassion

  4.97 • 353 bookings

  • Topics:
  • Belonging
  • Character Education
  • School Culture
  • Audiences:
  • Grade 6-12 Students
  • Teachers & Staff

Fee: Under $5K

Invite David

Over 125M Views of David’s Speeches Online
Board Member; KIDS Plus
Co-Author of “A Kids Book About Autism”

David Flood’s heartfelt speaking style empowers students with social and emotional skills while teaching them the lost arts of dignity, respect, and compassion.

David’s origin as a motivational speaker comes first hand. He grew up impacted by addiction in his family. He married and became a father of two children; his oldest is a special needs son. He is active in his church, is a hospice volunteer who visits terminally ill patients, and is on the board of K.I.D.S Plus, a non-profit organization that helps special needs children through sports. David attends meetings and participates in activities with The Anti-Bias Consortium Nassau County Schools. He is a member of The Northport-East Northport Drug and Alcohol Task Force.

David’s life teaches him every day about dignity, understanding, patience, forgiveness, and most of all, unconditional love. As a youth motivational speaker, David has spoken in 38 states and Canada to over 400,000 students, inspiring them to look at people and things differently. His online videos have received over 125 million views. He speaks with passion and conviction and, through his humility, leaves his audience with so much to think about in their formative years as they move into their future.


“Thank you for bringing such a beautiful message with you today to share with our students and staff. As you spoke, I observed my students' faces light up, realizing that they were making personal connections to what you were saying. What a priceless feeling! You have a wonderful gift, and your passion for what you do is so evident. You are a true inspiration.”
Kari Purdy, Strang Middle School
“David has a way of connecting the dots for us when it comes to dignity and respect in our schools.”
Tim Hoss, Principal
“David Flood delivered a powerful and touching assembly for our students. ”
Michael Caravello, High School Teacher
“The kids really connected with David’s message on an emotional level. ”
Kelly McCorkle, Student Assistance Counselor

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Book David Flood To Speak

   Monday-Friday • 8AM-5PM CT        (800) 799-1460

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  2. All-Inclusive Speaker Fee — No Travel Expenses
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